Saturday, April 14, 2012

Well, things can get interesting here. The biggest group this MTC has ever had is here now. So far, we've had at least one (& possibly three) impacted wisdom teeth, bloody stool, bloody emesis, allergic rashes, plantar warts, visual disturbances, anxiety disorder, and probably some others I can remember right now. The fun one was the bloody stool. The missionary doesn't speak English much at all, but with his companion's help they managed to get the bloody stool idea across. I was having very little luck trying to clarify some details so I could figure out why he was having them. I suspected hemorrhoids, and asked him several times, but he said no. I took him to Arman, who happened to be handy then, and he tried to help. He conferred with the missionary to clarify some things for me, then tried to translate. He couldn't think of the word he was thinking of and finally came up with "gonorrhea". I kept my face expressionless & explained that was a sexual transmitted disease. The missionary understood that and backed into the wall saying "no, no, no!!!" and laughing. Finally we determined that he did have hemorrhoids. I'm working hard on Tagalog skills and making progress, but I have a LOT to learn!!
I'll try to add a bunch of pictures this afternoon. After about 6-7 weeks I'm finally starting to feel like myself again. I'm finally beginning to feel good and I think Elder Armstrong is also. We work really hard here. I don't think we ever had more busy days when we owned the business, but I like this better!

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